
Jan 27, 2015

The Shocking (Yet Obvious) Truth About The Dog People Vs. Cat People War

cats vs dogs

When I meet someone new and find out they’re a dog person, I automatically feel more comfortable around them. Bonus cool points if my dog approves (hey, if my dog says you’re a creepy rando, you’re a creepy rando).

via Giphy

So when someone confesses they’re not much of a dog person (or worse, that they hate dogs), I automatically assume there’s something wrong with them. How could anyone not like dogs? What’s there not to like?

via Giphy

Well, according to this video, lots. There’s all the poop, all the walking, and apparently dog people tend to be conformists. But at least you’re not a crazy cat person, right? Dog people and cat people might think they have nothing in common, but in the end, really we’re all just crazy about our pets. And maybe it’s time we re-evaluate this whole cats vs. dogs thing.

post from sitemap