
Jan 25, 2015

Puppy Tossed into Frozen Ditch Gets a Second Chance


We’ve teamed up with one of our favorite sites, PEOPLE Pets, to bring you and your four-legged friends even more cute photos, celeb pet news, funny videos and must-see stories. Check back every week for new furry fun!

Abandoned on one of the coldest days of the year, Scout the puppy is now safe in a warm bed.

Image via ABC 7

The 2-week-old dog was saved from a short life thanks to a sharp-eyed Good Samaritan, reports ABC 7. While driving down Tryon Road in Wake County, North Carolina, a commuter spotted Scout being thrown out the window of a moving vehicle. The animal lover immediately pulled over to help and found the tiny pooch in a frozen ditch.

Scout was rushed from the side of the road to the SPCA of Wake County for treatment.

Image via ABC 7

“When she came to us last week, she did have a head tilt which was probably a result of the trauma of being thrown out of the car. Every four hours we have our medical staff keeping tabs on her,” Darci VanderSlik, the SPCA of Wake County’s marketing manager, said.

But things could’ve been a lot worse for this helpless canine. If Scout was left outside for much longer, her chances of surviving would’ve been bleak.

For now, Scout is still in the comforting care of the SCPA and quickly gaining back her weight and strength. It will be several more weeks before the pooch is ready for a forever home, but doctors are certain she will make a lucky family very happy.

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