
Jan 24, 2015

16 Dogs Who Utterly Fail At Hide And Seek (But Don’t Know It)

towel hidefeatured

Hi, my name is Nicole and I play Hide-and-Seek with my dog.

Seriously, though. We play for realsies. With rules and everything. I hide, she seeks. Then she finds me, we freak out together, and she runs off in the opposite direction to find a spot to hide in. The only problem is, she doesn’t hide her entire body. I wish I had a picture of it, but I don’t, so you’ll have to use your imagination plus this exquisite masterpiece:


She also sometimes hides just her face but leaves her entire 70+ lb. body sticking out, because if she can’t see me, I can’t see her, right?

Here are 16 dogs who, like my dog, suck at hide and seek.

1. “They’ll NEVER find me here! Har har har!”

via imgur

2. “I can see nobody, so nobody can see me.” Sound dog logic.

via HuffPo

3. This one looks like she’s doing an alright job, until she realizes she’s looking the wrong way.

via OMG Cute Things

4. “I’ve been super still so there’s a chance they haven’t seen me.”

via Imgur

5. He’s so sure of himself…

via Imgur

6. “I’ll just keep my head down so my ears don’t make it lumpy and give me away”.

via reddit

7. She knows you can see her, but does she care?

via reddit

8. “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

via Freshpet

9. “This is the last time I babysit these rotten children.”

via reddit

10. “Oh boy! I can’t wait to see the looks on their faces when I pop out and surprise them!”

via reddit

11. “Perfect! I can’t smell a thing, so neither will they!”

via reddit

12. “Poor humans and their weak sense of smell. They’re practically in front of me and can’t see me!”

via Pet Your Dog

13. When you wait so long for someone to find you that you fall asleep.

via reddit

14. “Yes. Yes. I am master of hide.”

via Corgi Addict

15. “Aw man! I thought you’d never look up here…at eye level.”

via Skunkwire

16. “Victory shall be mine!”

via Twitter

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