
Jan 29, 2015

9 Things You Do When You Have Separation Anxiety From Your Dog


This post is pawwered by the pup-ple over at CamioCam! CamioCam’s FREE apps let you see what’s happening when you’re away by turning any tablet, computer, or smartphone into a home monitoring camera. Click here to get started!

In the human-dog relationship, I’m the one with extreme separation anxiety. Forget leaving him home alone, I have trouble dropping him off at the groomer’s or having someone dog sit. For that matter, even when he’s hanging around with a friend in the office, I’m like, “WHERE DID BENJI GO?!”

Image via The Dog In A Bag

At first, I thought it might just be a “new pup parent” thing. Asking around told a whole other story. To quote my coworker who’s had her Doxie for over two years now, “Sometimes I get separation anxiety when I’m WITH my dog…like, thinking of when I have to leave.”

So, it’s clearly not a “how long you’ve had a dog” problem. It’s a “you just love your dog bunches” one. To deal with this extreme anxiety and to help pup pawrents floating in the same boat as me, I scoured the Internet for a solution. And guess what?! I found one that’s not only free (the most important word in the English dictionary ;)) but requires no equipment purchase either! Since I got CamioCam I’ve been able to keep a watchful, protective eye on my puppers from my phone and desktop browser, while at work.

Here are some of the exhausting things you might be able to FINALLY take a break from, once you get the pawesome app.

1. Constantly showing your friends and family pictures and videos of your tail-wagger. And when you can’t show them… spamming them with it via email, Facebook, text…

Image by BarkPost

2. Using your fuzzbutt as an excuse to get out of all sorts of social commitments because you know you can’t bear the thought of being separated from him.

Image via Daily Giada

3. And when you do manage to pull yourself away from your pooch, you basically start every social conversation with, “My dog this…” and “My dog that…”

Image via Great Blue Box

4. Feeling sad when you’re with your pupper ’cause you’re thinking of the time when you’ll have to leave him to go work.

Image via Dog TV

5. Creating an Instagram for your furry BFF because he’s the best dog in the world and it makes you feel like he’s always with you.

Image via The Dog In A Bag

6. Spending hours freaking out thinking about what your snuggle bug’s doing when you leave him.

Image via Teen

7. Talking to his picture and saying things like, “I miss you.. but I’ll be home soon… so don’t worry.” When you really are trying to console yourself.

Image via Pups In Cups

8. Using your work sick days so you can squeeze some quality time with your fur-baby sans distractions.

Image via Zooey Deschanel

9. Creating special nights in with your pup-mate and spending time actually MAKING her meal from scratch while you eat Rice-A-Roni.

Image via BarkPost

Now, since we can’t shirk all our responsibilities to stay home with our dog forever, and therapy may never solve this problem, we have no choice but to diminish our anxiety with technology.

So go ahead, and take that CamioCam pill. It’s pup-proved. All you need to do is download it, set it up, and you’re good to go! FYI, it takes less than five minutes to set up. Here’s a how-to.

Not only can you watch what your dog is doing in real-time (via push notifications to your phone), you can also talk to ‘em! And you can save your favorite clips, so go crazy sharing them with your family and friends.

Do we hear a collective sigh of relief? Well, all we can say is Yappy CamioCam-ing! =)

post from sitemap