You might be feeling some top-of-the-week blues, but hey, cheer up, Charlie. First of all, the week is only five days long. You can do it.
Also, BULLDOGS! Here are some bulldoods who want nothing more than for you to have a marvelous Monday.
1. This guy looks how we feel. #Yawn
Image via Pinterest
2. “If you dress the part, you act the part.”
Image via Hrenoten
3. “Honey, you’re going to just kill it at work today.”
Image via Pinterest
4. Tummy tickles: guaranteed to kick the Monday blues.
Image via Pinterest
5. #CleanEnergyCommuting
Image via Funny joke pictures
6. Ready to make some Monday magic.
Image via Instagram
7. Workin’ hard or hardly workin’?
Image via Damselindior
8. “I’ll have dinner warm on the table when you get home.”
Image via Funny joke pictures
9. “Cindy did WHAT on the boardroom floor?!”
Image via Pinterest
10. This trailer needs to make a trip to our office, now!
Image via Pinterest
11. Definitely having a worse day than you:
Image via Facebook
12. As excited about lunch break as you are:
Image via World of bulldog
13. Harry just found out it’s Monday.
Image via fbcdn
14. This pup’s giving up on his diet so you don’t have to.
Image via funeralformyfat
15. And this little guy is still hitting snooze so you don’t have to.
Image via That kind of woman
16. “Okay, I think… we should all just go home now.”
Image via Pinterest
17. …Yep. Monday. Over it.
Image via Funny joke pictures
feature image via Frankie Goes to Work