
Jan 15, 2015

Florida Sheriff Dept. Accidentally Declares “In Dog We Trust,” But We Know The Truth


Clerical error? Or secret dogspiracy?

When the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office unrolled their new floor rugs at the beginning of the week, they didn’t notice that a small, but significant change had been made to the design.

Can you spot the, er, irregularity?

Image via Daily Commercial

It seems that the manufacturer of the new rug accidentally misspelled the phrase that appears in court rooms, in government offices, and on money throughout the United States: In God We Trust.

However, the manufacturer’s typo has quickly grown on us here at BarkPost.

Image via Daily Commercial

Though the Sheriff’s Office claims that it did not intend for their rugs to read “In Dog We Trust,” we suspect that their attempt to secretly declare their ruv of dogs wasn’t as subtle as they had hoped.

Many of the men and women of law enforcement work with canines everyday and we believe that the Sheriff’s Office simply wanted their service dogs to have the respect they deserve—hey, it’s just a theory.

Image via NY Daily News

They rolled up the rugs to have them corrected once the “mistake” was noticed. But we’re just waiting for the day it’s safe to declare “In Dog We Trust” AND “In God We Trust.”

Image via UPI

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