
Feb 8, 2015

Woman Creates Whimsical Picture Adventures For Sleeping Pup

Image via Raising the Ruf

Rufus is a 3-year-old Pharaoh Hound, who’s pawrent, Sara Rehnmark, might very well be the coolest dog mom in town. The creative brain behind Rufus’s fun sleep adventures, Rehnmark has been cataloging her pictures on her punderful blog Raising The Ruf.

“I think my dog is hilarious. He’s been a goofball ever since he was a puppy. I take pictures and videos of Rufus because he CRACKS me up and makes me smile,” Rehnmark shares on her blog.

Image via Raising the Ruf

BarkPost reached out to Rehnmark to ask her what started her on this pawesome journey.

Image via Raising the Ruf

The first adventure Rehnmark ever created with her pup was Rufus as a reindeer!

“Every year, my dad and I make funny birthday cards for each other, so this was a birthday card for my dad! My family is Swedish, so it’s a nod to northern Sweden (the land of reindeer, woods, rabbits, etc.).”

Image via Raising the Ruf

On average, each of Rehnmark’s projects take her approximately two hours to ideate, set-up and shoot. Luckily for her, Rufus plays along…for the most part.

Image via Raising the Ruf

“Some I set up while he is sleeping and when he wakes up he usually looks at me and puts his head right back down,” says Rehnmark. “The other ones he doesn’t just play along, he comes over to the set up and lays down while I am trying to set up. He will let me mold him like putty if he knows a treat is in it for him!”

Image via Raising the Ruf

The blogger says she gets her inspiration from William Wegman’s work.

“I’ve always loved his work, so I’ve taken goofy pictures of Rufus ever since he was a puppy, this just seemed like the next step in the exploration of my creative process!”

Image via Raising the Ruf

When you hear her gush about Rufus, her love for him is apparent.

“Rufus really is a goofy dog, and he really lights up our life every single day! Rufus is so smart, he rings his bell when he has to go potty, smiles on command and can put his toys away.”

Image via Raising the Ruf

“When we come home to him, we know there is always a big smile waiting for us! Which, of course, makes us smile too,” she concludes.

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