
Feb 26, 2015

Dog Does Crazy Adorable Thing When Her Human Gets Hospitalized


Score another one for loyal pups everywhere! When Sissy’s human, Nancy, was admitted to the hospital for cancer treatment, the little dog took it upon herself to turn a routine walk into a mission of love.

Image via Opposing Views

After escaping from a walk with her furry sibling, Barney, and dad, Frank, Sissy traveled 20 blocks to find Nancy at Iowa’s Mercy Hospital – despite having never been there before! The security guards were shocked, Frank was relieved, and Nancy was overjoyed to see her beloved pooch.

Image via Opposing Views

“We could only stay a few minutes but I’m sure she enjoyed every second of that few minutes,” Nancy’s daughter Sara Wood recalled. “I’m sure that Sissy went home and told Barney, ‘Guess who I got to see and what I got to do and where I went?’”

Watch the amazing footage here:


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