
Feb 27, 2015

18 Times Dogs Gave Dudes Extra Points on Tinder

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You’re scrolling through Tinder and your swipe left game is strong, maybe too strong, until you happen across a set of pictures where an average looking guy is made spectacularly attractive by one small addition: his handsome, big-eyed dog. Maybe it’s because it makes him look responsible or like a sensitive soul. Or maybe, and lets admit it ladies, it’s because you want a chance to snuggle with that pup.

Here are 18 guys whose four-legged wingman help them get closer to that swipe right!

1. Size TOTALLY matters.

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2. Because why not lift a puppy to get that flex in?

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3. Quick! Grab the nearest puppy! The girls will go wild!

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4. Even Betsy was swerving John’s advances.

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5. “Get out of my way Hooman! The girls are only interested in me.”

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6. Both man and dog: “This could be you, ladies.”

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7. The unimpressed face on this pooch says it all.

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8. If in doubt, give a puppy center stage.

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9. Swipe right, swipe right, swipe right!!!

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10. Only thing better than a well-traveled dog lover is a well-traveled dog.

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11. Hey, nice lap.

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12. Nuthin like a well-trained man + dog duo.

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13. Twinsies!

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14. And the prize goes to…

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15. Giz a kiss!

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16. Dean and Bruno: Such pensive.

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17. Living the Pug life!

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18. “Check it out… We had our nails did.”

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